Oil, Marine, Gas - Solutions - 逸腾冷凝机

Oil, Marine, Gas

Eden offers the OMG industry with a wider range of system and equipment that incorporates energy efficient heat exchangers. Eden has done anti-corrosion treatment on the equipment and optimized its size to meet the needs of marine operation with a flexible and compact body.



























Eden offers the OMG industry with a wider

range of system and equipment that incorporates energy efficient heat

exchangers. Eden has done anti-corrosion

treatment on the equipment and optimized its size to meet the needs of

marine operation with a flexible and compact body.



























Eden offers the OMG industry with a wider

range of system and equipment that incorporates energy efficient heat

exchangers. Eden has done anti-corrosion

treatment on the equipment and optimized its size to meet the needs of

marine operation with a flexible and compact body.